This blueberry ice box cake is easy and perfect for when you’re in a pinch!
graham crackers
fresh whipped cream
1 pint California Giant blueberries
lemon zest
Prepare your fresh whipped cream (or you can use store bought).
In a loaf pan or an 8’x8’ glass pan, lay down a piece of cling wrap, leaving excess over the edge so you can easily pull out the frozen dessert.
Start with a layer of graham crackers, breaking as needed to cover the whole bottom of the pan. Layer with the whipped cream, then add a layer of blueberries. Continue this process, until you have reached the top of your pan. Top off with lots of blueberries and freshly grated lemon zest.
Freeze for at least four hours, preferably overnight.
Locate the 16-Digit Trace code.Enter the trace back code from your berries to learn about where they were grown. Too bad we can’t deliver the fresh fragrance, too!