Quality: Quality is good for both conventional and organic fruit, with isolated instances of decay from past rain events.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 22-26, 28-30 depending on ranch; Organic: 22-26, 28-30 depending on ranch
Quality: Quality is good.
Volume: Production is steady.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 20-24, 26-28 depending on ranch
Quality: Quality is good with nice shape, sheen and 95%+ color.
Volume: Volumes are steady due to cold weather delaying ripening. Volumes are anticipated to increase with warmer temperatures.
Pack Counts: 14-16
Quality: Quality is good for organic and conventional fruit, with some green shoulders and button-tip due to cold weather.
Volume: Volumes are light but steady for conventional spring crop. Light harvests are underway of the organic spring crop. Organic fall crop volumes are steady. Cooler weather is delaying the ripening of fruit.
Pack Counts: Conventional spring crop: 12-16; Organic spring crop: 12-16; Organic fall crop: 28-32
Quality: Quality on arrival and at origin is good.
Volume: Heat waves, rain, and wildfires have cut the season short. This will be the last week containers will be received.
Quality: Quality is good with nice bloom and flavor.
Volume: Volume has decreased slightly due to recent pruning, however, is forecasted to increase week-over-week as spring growers approach their peak in mid-to-late March.
Quality: Quality is good with some redback.
Volume: Volumes are increasing. Peak production is forecast for weeks 16-19.
Quality: Quality is good with occasional broken or overripe fruit.
Volume: Production is steady.
Quality: Quality is good with occasional red cell and leaky berries.
Volume: Production is steady.
October 8 – 10th
Seattle, WA
“Great product! My kids love strawberries and I’ve purchased these for them and they are the best strawberries I have found in the area. Kudos to you!”